Space field

Your problem creates our solution.


  • Optical design of an occultation radiometer for the EURECA space platform
  • Design and assembly of a space objective for UV-VIS spectrometry
  • Design and assembly of a space objective for 1.8 – 5 micron spectrometry
Solar Physics
  • Project management and tests of the electronics of the Differential Absolute Radiometer (SOHO satellite)
  • Design of the diagnostics of the Critical Point Facility (Spacelab-D2)
  • Design and assembly of a miniaturized Mach-Zehnder interferometer operating at 850nm
  • Design and assembly of the laser light sheet of the Bubble Drop and Particle Unit
  • Design and assembly of a nucleation detection device for the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility
  • Assembly process for a space qualified laser diode module
  • Design and assembly of the microscope and Mach-Zehnder interferometer of the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility (Space Shuttle Missions)
  • Design of the microscope, WFOV and the phase-shift Mach-Zehnder interferometer of the Protein Crystallization Diagnostics Facility (ISS)